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Best Short Funny Comedy Videos and Reels

Why Funny and Comedy Video : Laughter is Beneficial To Your Mental Health and Health Overall. Watching Funny Jokes Videos Is Good For Your Health, Boosts immunity, Lowers stress hormones, Decreases pain , Adds joy and zest to life. Watch the best Funny Comedy Videos and Reels here and start laughing. Laughing is good for your brain too, it relieves pressure, make your mood light and gives energy. When you watch a funny video clip, it is natural that you will laugh. Laughing produces natural painkillers in the body which help in relieving pain caused by muscle problems. If anxiety, stress or depression is leaving you insomniac at night, give a laughter dose to yourself. Laughing will alleviate the feeling of tension and despair. Watching comedy sexy video give you smile and make you laugh.